HKH On Strategy: The Meaning of Flexible Approach to Strategy?

The flexible approach to strategy

The meaning of Flexible approach to strategy? Unlocking the core principle

In an unpredictable business environment where advantages may be fleeting, companies must be ready to pivot and adapt in order to remain competitive.

Of the five distinct approaches within The Strategy Toolbox, the Flexible approach can empower growth and create an edge by responding rapidly to new opportunities and conditions. Like the Traditional approach, the Flexible approach has its own distinct way of thinking.

Flexible firms constantly re-evaluate how they do business, creating innovative options, choosing the most viable of these, then scaling up and exploiting them, before repeating the process. By taking this approach, companies can stay agile and remain ahead of the competition.

Download the June edition of HKH On Strategy to discover more as our managing partner Jari H. Helenius presents and analyzes the Flexible approach to strategy-making.

Download using the "HKH On Strategy: The Meaning of Flexible Approach to Strategy?" button above.

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